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Sleeping For Beauty

We all know that Insomnia can wreak havoc on our mental health but the implications on our physical health are much less discussed. How strong, exactly, is the correlation between our sleep and beauty?

Research has shown that a lack of good quality sleep can lead to a wide variety of symptoms within the body. In some cases this can even trigger the beginning of inherited issues that may otherwise have taken much longer to appear, male pattern baldness and female hair loss are good examples of this. Prolonged lack of sleep can also result in higher levels of stress. Stress in turn can compound the negative effects placed on the hair growth cycle.


Os 4 grandes benefícios da hipnose clínica

A hipnose na clínica

A Hipnose é um estado alterado de consciência que possibilita o acesso ao subconsciente, onde se encontram emoções, sentimentos, hábitos e memórias de longo prazo que não podemos controlar no nível consciente.

Através dela pode se sugestionar ao subconsciente a criar um novo padrão mental, possibilitando inúmeras reprogramações mentais, seja para largar um vício, emagrecer, diminuir o stress e ansiedade, tratar os sintomas da síndrome do pânico e até diminuir dores de doenças autoimunes, como a esclerose múltipla.


“A Experiência do Limão”

“A Experiência do Limão”

Vamos dar-lhe uma breve ideia de como funciona o processo hipnótico, para que você não tenha  receio de fazer hipnose.



When it comes to managing anxiety disorders, William Shakespeare’s Macbeth had it right when he referred to sleep as the “balm of hurt minds.” While a full night of slumber stabilizes emotions, a sleepless night can trigger up to a 30% rise in anxiety levels, according to new research from the University of California, Berkeley.

UC Berkeley researchers have found that the type of sleep most apt to calm and reset the anxious brain is deep sleep, also known as non-rapid eye movement (NREM) slow-wave sleep, a state in which neural oscillations become highly synchronized, and heart rates and blood pressure drop.
